Malapropisms by George W. Bush
(actual quotes)

Make the Pie Higher
by George W. Bush

I think we all agree, the past is over.
This is still a dangerous world.
It's a world of madmen and uncertainty
and potential losses.

Rarely is the question asked
Is our children learning?
Will the highways of the Internet
become more few?

How many hands have I shaked?
They misunderestimate me.
I am a pitbull on the panleg of opportunity.

I know that the human being
and the fish can coexist.

Families is where our nation finds hope,
where our wings take dream.

Put food on your family!
Knock down the tollbooth!
Vulcanize Society!
Makt the pie higher! Make the pie higher!

Make the Pie Higher, Compiled by Washington Post writer, Richard Thompson

.George W. Bush Resume
The White House, USA


I attacked and took over two countries
I spent the US surplus and bankrupted the Treasury
I shattered the record for the biggest annual deficit in history
I set and economic record for the most private bankruptcies filed in any 12-month period
I set all-time record for the biggest drop  in the history of the stock market
I am the first president in decades to execute a federal prisoner
I am the first president in US history to enter office with a criminal record
In my first year in office I set the all-time record for the most days on vacation by any
president in US history
After taking the entire month of August off for vacation, I presided over the worst
security failure in US history
I set the record for the most campaign fund raising trips by any president in US history
In my first two years in office over 2 million Americans lost their jobs
I cut unemployment benefits for more out-of-work Americans than any other president in
US history
I set the all-time record for the fewest press conferences of any president since the advent
of TV
I signed more laws and executive orders amending the Constitution than any other
president in US history
I presided over the biggest energy crisis in US history and refused to intervene when
corruption was revealed
I presided over the highest gasoline prices in US history and refused to use the national
reserves as past presidents have
I cut health care benefits for war veterans
I set the all-time record for the most people worldwide to simultaneously take to the
streets to protest me (15 million people), shattering the record for protest against any
person in the history of mankind
I dissolved more international treaties than than any other president in US history
I've made my presidency the most secretive and unaccountable of any in US history
Members of my cabinet are the richest of any administration in US history (The poorest,
multimillionaire Condoleeza Rice, has a Chevron oil tanker named after her)
I am the first president in US history to order a US attack and military occupation of a
sovereign nation, and I did so against the will of the UN and the world community
I am the first President in US history to have all 50 states of the Union go simultaneously
I presided over the biggest corporate stock market fraud in any market in any country in
the history of the world
I have created the largest government department bureaucracy in the history of the US
I set the all-time record for the biggest annual budget spending increases, more than any
other president in US history
I am the first president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the
Human Rights Commission
I am the first president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the
Elections Monitoring Board
I removed more checks and balances, and have the least amount of congressional
oversight than any presidential administration in US history
I rendered the entire United Nations irrelevant
I withdrew from the World Court of Law
I refused to allow inspectors access to US prisoners of war and by default no longer abide
by the Geneva Conventions
I am the first president in US history to refuse the UN election inspectors access during
the 2002 US elections
I am the all-time US (and world) record holder for the most corporate campaign donations
The biggest lifetime contributor to my campaign, who is also one of my best friends,
presided over one of the largest corporate bankruptcy frauds in world history (Kenneth
Lay, former CEO of Enron Corporation).
I spent more money on polls and  focus groups than any other president in US history
I am the the first president to run and hide when the US came under attack (and then lied,
saying the enemy had the code to Air Force 1)
I am the first US president to establish a secret shadow government
I  took the world's sympathy for the US after 911, and in less than a year made the US the
most resented country in the world (possibly the biggest diplomatic failure in US and
world history)
I am the first president in US history to have the people of South Korea more threatened
by the US  than by their immediate neighbor, North Korea
I am the first president in US history to have a majority of people of Europe (71%) view
my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and stability
I changed the US policy to allow convicted criminals to be awarded government contracts
I set the all-time record for number of administration appointees who violated US law by
not  selling their huge investments in corporations bidding for government contracts
I have removed more freedoms and civil liberties for Americans than any other president
in US history, in a  little over two years, I have created the most divided country in
decades, possibly the most divided the US has been since the civil war
I entered office with the strongest economy in US history and in less than two years
turned every single economic category heading straight down


I have at least one conviction for drunk driving in Maine (Texas  driving record has been
erased and is not available)
I was AWOL from the National Guard and deserted the military during a time of war. I
refuse to take a drug test or even answer any questions about drug use
All records of my tenure as governor of Texas have been spirited away to my father's
library, sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public view
All  records of any SEC investigations into my insider trading or bankrupt companies are
sealed in secrecy  and unavailable for public view
All minutes of meetings  of any public corporation for which I served on the board are
sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public view
Any records or minutes from meetings I (or my VP) attended regarding public energy
policy are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public view


For personal references, please speak to my dad of uncle James Baker (They can be
reached in their offices at the Carlyle Group where they are helping divide up the spoils of
the US-Iraq war and plan for the next one)
Resume courtesy of Dubya email


Bush Cabinet Connections*

Office:Secretary of the Interior
Appointee: Gale Norton
Responsibility: Charged with protecting 507 million acres of lands belonging to every
Background: Lobbied on behalf of oil, gas, mining, and logging interests for Mountain
States Legal Foundation; worked for James Watt; lawyer who defended the lead paint
industry and argued that the Endangered Species Act is unconstitutional

J.Stephen Griles
Office: Deputy Secretary of the Interior
Responsibility: Second in command of Interior Department
Background: Former vice president of United Mining Company; worked for James Watt
under Reagan; Lobbyist, representing Occidental Petroleum, National Mining Association
& Shell Oil

James E. Carson
Office: Associate Deputy Secretary
Responsibility: Third in command (new position that didn't need confirmation)
Background: Served at Interior under James Watt and launched a giveaway of mining
patents and attacked the Endangered Species Act; was nominated to an Agricultural
Department post under Bush Sr., but the Senate refused to confirm him
William G. Myers. 111
Position: Solicitor
Responsibility: Reviews all legal issues in Department
Background:Former Lobbyist for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association; opposed
wolf reintroduction and favors bison slaughter

Camden Toohey
Position: Special Assistant for Alaska
Responsibility:Manages 270 million acres of Interior lands in Alaska
Background: Former director of Arctic Power, the organization that lobbies on behalf of
aggressive oil drilling in the Arctic Refuge and elsewhere in Alaska
Rebecca Watson
Position: Asst. Sec. for Land & Minerals Management
Responsibility: Oversees mining, grazing, and land management decisions
Background: Former lawyer for gas, timber, petroleum industries, and for property rights

Bennett Raley
Position: Asst. Sec. for Water & Science
Responsibility: Allocating water to balance needs of people and wildlife
Background: Former lobbyist for National Water Resources Foundation; opposed Clean
Water Act and saving water for endangered species

*Info on the Dept.Interior connections from Defenders of Wildlife

Now---on the lighter side, for those who visit this website and are
Bush'Cheney supporters: ????
(If you can't find these, you may wish to print your own)
Bumper Sticker Suggestions:

Bush/Cheney '04: Compassionate Colonialism
Bush/Cheney '04: Because the truth just isn't good enough.
Bush/Cheney '04: Four More Wars!
Bush/Cheney '04: In your heart, you know they're technically correct.
Bush/Cheney '04: Less CIA -- More CYA
Bush/Cheney '04: Putting the "con" in conservatism
Bush/Cheney '04: Thanks for not paying attention.
Bush/Cheney '04: The last vote you'll ever have to cast.

Don't think. Vote Bush!
George W. Bush: Leadership without a doubt
George W. Bush: The buck stops Over There

Vote Bush in '04: It's a no-brainer!
Bush/Cheney '04: Apocalypse Now!
Bush/Cheney '04: Deja-voodoo all over again!
Bush/Cheney '04: Leave no billionaire behind

Bush/Cheney '04: Lies and videotape but no sex!
Bush/Cheney '04: Or else.
Bush/Cheney '04: Over a billion Whoppers served.
Bush/Cheney '04: The economy's stupid!

Bush/Cheney '04: This time, elect us!
Bush/Cheney '04: We're Gooder!
Bush/Cheney: 1984 Now
George W. Bush: A brainwave away from the presidency

George W. Bush: It takes a village idiot
Let them eat yellowcake! Vote Bush!
Peace & Prosperity Suck -- Big-Time
Vote Bush in '04: "I Has Incumbentory Advantitude"

Vote Bush in '04: "Because every vote counts -- for me!"
Vote Bush in '04: "Because I'm the President, that's why!"
Vote Bush in '04: Because dictatorship is easier.
WWJB: Who would Jesus Bomb?

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Bush's Dirty Secrets...environmental news from Mother Jones

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the best on the web
pretty good
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needs help
give up loser

Real comments from real people. Names have been withheld to protect the innocent....This is the heartbeat of America.....We the People......

Bushism-One assault after another on the environment, human rights & the future. 
Bush is the most irresponsible president our country has seen. We will be the ones to pay for tax cuts, environmental deregulation, attack on Iraq, and budget deficits. 
I have been working to rid the country of this corrupt administration. I subscribe to the "Anybody But Bush" doctrine and will vote accordingly. Waiting for world peace in my lifetime. 
Get him out! Preferably in handcuffs and leg-irons! 
Look at the damage three years of Bush has done. We MUST remove this blight from office and restore government that CARES about people of the US and the world! 
An unelected President wages war on our Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, and toils to wreck two century's achievement. 
It's NEVER too late. In the 30s poor people voted for a rich white guy they never head of we now call FDR. They voted ABH. Anybody but Hoover!!! 
kucinich has the best ideas and knows how to pay for them, but the corporate media wont even mention his name. 
ask not, what bush can do for you,but what can we do do bush? 
George is dangerous! The "W" stands for "war" and we will be in a constant state of war if "W" stays in office. He has to go. 
He will stop at nothing 
Don't ask what your party can do for you. Ask what you can do for your party. Bush needs to go, support democrat. 
I swear I'll throw myself off of the tallest building possible if Shrub wins again 2004...or maybe I'll just throw Shrub off of the building. ABB! 
  from Ireland here, please send me any information / car stickers, anything to get gwb out of the white house, keep up the good work
We need to do anything and everything to get this fascist out of office. Conservatives, moderates, and liberals should all agree that George W. Bush is a negative force for America and the world. 
I am saddened by the moron majority. Let's all make a conscious effort to educate people we know about the atrocities of the Bush regime. 
Well said... 
The problem is it may already be too late. After Texas, Kentucky and California, the Republican machine may be far too strong. 
He's a dumb ass for what he's doing and i am against our taxes going to his personal vendetta 
Get that pathological warmongering liar out of office! Our freedom is being eaten away more and more every day due to Bush's insane policies. 
George Bush is the worst thing to happen to America in years.....GET HIM OUT OF HERE!
God help us all if we fail! 
Please get this monster out of office and fast!! I hope and pray that the majority of Americans in this country have enough sense to do what is right in 2004. I fear what new fresh hell we will be exposed to if Bush is re-elected. 
Time to be patriotic and take back our country from the thieves and murderers in the Bush administration. 
Get him and his brother out of office before they ruin our country, Please!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Stay out the Bush's!! 
We cannot afford 4 more years of the Bush dynasty. This country is going belly-up fast under Bush. 
I continue to be amazed at the number of people who don't know, don't care, don't even see what the Republicans, under Bush, are doing! Where are our maverick investigative reporters like Woodward and Bernstein these days? WAKE UP AMERICA!!! 
Bush and his cronies must go. I think our nest president should be an elected president. 
The future and safety of America depends on the ouster of George W. Bush in 2004.   
These people think they should rule by divine right! They will do anything to hold on to power. Show them that American is more than just a place; it's an idea. 
what bush is about: enslaving the American people, controlling the worlds oil, globalization, the new world order, 
set me free from bush Satan  vincennes IN bush send your dope head girls to war you can stick the new world order up your ass the best part of you went down your dad legs 
Stop This Insane War Now! Our Soldiers Lives Are Being Needlessly Endangered. Kick The Unelected Heathens Out Now! The Whole Rotten Bunch Of Them -- Cheney, Powell, Rice, Rove, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, et al. 
Lick Bush in 2004 
ever and wherever possible Texas Republican platform. This is a product of Bush, Rove & DeLay, and would be an extreme turn-off to vast majority of public if only known. 
Get out the vote so our country will no longer suffer!!! 
  I completely agree with you that Bush be ostracized from the office. 
Amen-which, of course, means MAKE IT SO!!! I shall do all I can to effect this change. 
election DAY ISN'T SOON ENOUGH. George Bush and his inept staff should be in handcuffs for war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. 
Take the all out...Butcher, DeLay, Rummy, Powell, Asscroft.... and hang 'em for treason 
Dubya and his cronies are gobbling up the wealth of this country. Also write to your congress people; tell them to ensure that there is no Floridation of the 2004 election process. Vote for the anti-Bush candidate, Dennis Kucinich! Bush out--Dennis in. 
Untitled We Stand 
We need our souls restored after these harrowing years behind this inept corporate shill and his cronies. 
While I support Clark, if he does not win the nomination, I will work hard for whomever wins the nomination to take back my country. 
If we don't work at this, getting rid of Ashcroft, Cheney and W, we face a scary and repressive 4 year repeat! 
I truly feel that GWB is the worst thing to happen to our country in my lifetime. I pray that we can come together and save the country and possibly the world by getting him out of office. 
I truly feel that GWB is the worst thing to happen to our country in my lifetime. I pray that we can come together and save the country and possibly the world by getting him out of office. 
Bush is devoid of brains, reason, and character. He's a finger puppet in the white house, put there by a skewered Supreme Court and a cadre of toadying Republican footstools, most of which know that he is MUCH dumber than they are. 
United Against Bush says it all! 
Absolutely ANY one of the Democratic candidates will be mega-tons better than Bush! 
In less than one term in office, George W. Bush has wrecked our economy, our foreign policy and mortgaged the future of our children by exploding the deficit. We can't afford four more days of a Bush Administration let alone four more years! 
"There is nothing in the world so frightening as ignorance in action." - Helen Keller 
I am a FSU student in Tallahassee. Jeb needs to get booted as well!!! The Bushes stink as leaders!!! 
Like Father, like Son, 4 years and your Gone!! 
TX Bush...Get him out!! 
It is time to end Fascism in America. It will be a tremendous job because it has taken decades for it to infect our democracy, or republic, and it will take far more sacrifices than I have seen ANYONE willing to give. 
The World needs Peace, our present Administration,will never comply 
throw the deserter-in-chief and his chickenhawk underlings out 
"President" George W Bush is the biggest terrorist and mass murderer in the world today. In fighting the fictional war on terror the USA has successfully killed over 9000 civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why is oil more important than this 
This President Select is one of the worst that has ever occupied the oval office.The scion of the most pretentious overrated money grubbing family ever to disgrace the Presidency. ANYONE BUT BUSH!!! 
We Hate Bush!!! 
great job guys. i haven't laughed so hard in a long time. this website is laughable. 
I will join any and all organizations whose goal is to remove George W. Bush from the office of President of the United States 
I prefer Dennis Kucinich but any of the Democratic candidates are better than Bush. 
Our only salvation will come when this bunch is out of the White House 
I belong the the ever-growing "anyone but Bush" group! 
President Bush has let me down from the very beginning when he stole the election. His policies on the war and our economy concern me greatly. 
Did you know that the WorldCom scam torpedoed the police and firemen's disability and pension fund of Ohio? Yes indeedy! And then Dumbya rewarded them with a no-bid contract in Iraq! 
.I feel like I'm living in a bad dream. 
.I feel like I'm living in a bad dream. 
I get very nervous thinking about another 4 years on Bush. I feel that as we get closer to the elections, Bush will pull out every patriotic anthem he can think of. I also feel that Americans have short term memories, and will re-elect Bush. 
I WANT MY $87B BACK!!!!!! 
If things continue on the present course I will gladly leave the cardboard box which I will probably be calling home, climb aboard my rusty ole bicycle (hopefully I will still have the old bike) and cast my Vote For Ralph Nader. 
Down with W! 
I hope that Howard Dennis the Democratic Nominee but if not, I'll still stand behind the pledge to boot George W. (El Diablo) out of office. 
On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty, to everyone in my country, to help send Bush into an early retirement. Au revoir, Bush! 
He is a miserable failure. 
We have to help Ben Chandler and Charlie Owen take this state back in 2003, that is the first step for Kentucky defeating Bush in 2004. 
This WW2 combat Navy veteran will die happy knowing this lying band of repuglicans, Top Gun included will be defeated come next November. 
Junior and his cronies have got to go! 
I am not sure this country can survive another four years of George W. Bush. He must not be elected! 
The conservative party and their supporters, have started their own battle with the common people of this country. Those of us who are not the privileged few, must stand our ground. 
get the redneck jackass out of office now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
November 2004 will not come soon enough. Bush is a great example of how the Republican party takes care of its own ~ and everyone else (not just no child) gets left behind. 
This country cannot handle another four years 
I anticipate that the world will begin to heal and unite on the very first day Bush is out of office - The world community will be relieved as well as our armed forces. 
we must get rid of this man. he should not even be occupying residence in the white house!!!our civil liberties are being taken away from us. let's all work to unseat him and support the eventual democratic nominee. 
No more wars. No more tax cuts. Good bye President G.W. Bush. 
If Bush & his evil cronies keep the White House another 4 years, I would seriously think about a move to another country. 
stop this right wing fruit loop 
Bush is an extreme religious bigot! Not everyone is a fundamentalist Christian, or even a theist! 
We need to kick the neo-cons out as well the wimpy DLC. 
I am not as proud to live in America as I used to be because of Bush. 
ES by all means possible. Get rid of RUSH too. I have called our radio stations this morning to boycott HIM like they did the Dixie Chicks. 
This administration is RUINING this country! 
We're with you all the way! 
George W. Bush must GO! 
I support Howard Dean, and believe that he has the best chance of beating Bush-- but I will absolutely vote for whoever is the Democratic nominee. Another 4 years of GWB is not an option, if we care about saving our democracy, our country and our planet!! 
I am anxious to prevent the GWB and Republican disease from spreading! 
  battles are lost in the mind before they are lost in battle 
WE must VOTE and GET gwbjr out of office...... NOW 
  Bush is a liar! Bush is out of control! Impeach Bush! 
Let's move forward with hope -- not fear. Return the White House to the people. TAKE BACK YOUR COUNTRY! 
A big-business pandering, corporate whore is who we have elected. Time to get him out! 
I support Howard Dean's candidacy, and firmly believe he will make the best president. In the unlikely event someone else wins the nomination fair and square, I will enthusiastically support him/her. 
I am Dean Supporter... and will vote for Dean in the Primaries and Election. I will support the Democratic candidate in this Election. 
Anyone but Bush 2004 
How much would you pay to see Bush Jr. and Dean in a mud-wrestling match? Now taking bets... 
Bring it on! :D 
I cannot stand bush and CAN NOT believe he was ever elected in the first place. 
I have never in my entire life actually been afraid of my own government until now. I have been disappointed on occasion, angry at times, but never truly frightened. Please get this man out of office before he does any more damage! 
Nader did a huge disservice to all the causes he purported to care about. We should never let such a thing happen again. 
I'd vote for a waffle iron if it was running against Bush. 
I will be happy to be listed as a signer if you can allow a resident of Mexico, where there is no South Dakota or any of the other 50 plus 
In addition to being the worst President in the last century, I also firmly believe that George W. Bush represents the greatest threat to freedom in the United States we have seen since Joseph McCarthy. 
Bush has ruined our international moral standing and has become the greatest threat to world peace. The error of his way is becoming known by more and more and his initial motives and plans are unraveling before the entire world. 
This is the worst presidency of my lifetime. I am sick of lies, distortions, cronyism, corporate favoritism, rape of the environment, etc. etc. etc. 
We MUST restore the White House to the Democrats. The world's future is in peril with Bush, et al, at the wheel. 
Don't buy into the game, this man is a puppet for industrial interests. His "war on terror" and the "evildoers" rhetoric is more of the same. Just another ugly American bully making the rich richer and the destitute more miserable   
I'm fully convinced and highly motivated to participate in the worldwide campaign against the continuation of GEORGE W BUSH who was brought to his position by an illegal election . 
We must stand up, vote out the conservative right and repeal the damage done! May this never happen again in my name. 
not enough room to say  Richmond VA I know hatred is wrong, I will not hate. I know the difference between good & evil, right & wrong. I know God has given me free will, so I WILLINGLY chose GOOD & RIGHT over the other two. BLESS US ALL! 
Conservatives and Bush MUST be defeated in '04! 
Bush is 1/3 of the TRUE "Axis of Evil": Republican Congress, Republican Supreme Court, & Republican Executive Branch! 
I fully understood the statements made within the pledge. However, I believe that in order to defeat Emperor George II and his fascist followers we need to come together with other political parties in a unified show of force...not go at this alone. 
Let's drive out the perpetrators of the illegal electoral coup and begin again to build a nation dedicated to fairness, unity, and the well-being of all people.  Bush's personal vendetta against Sadaam Hussein and rush to war based on lies and against world opinion has damaged America's image abroad, weakened the United Nations and made America less safe, while running up a record deficit. 
Bush is not worth a comment. 
So much damage has been done by the egomaniac. He needs to get out of office so 'we the people' who did not elect him in the first place, can start to rebuild this country into what it should be. 
Every day we must do all we can to embody the enlightened democratic citizenry we envision for our country. 
Take Back America and put the NeoCon Liars on trial for Treason 
G.W. Bush is the worst president this country has EVER had!! 
BOOT Bush in 2004! 
How many more will die before Bush is out of office??????

Webmasters note:

"I am really glad I removed the names of the people expressing the above views or they might all join me in Guatamano Bay.......other anti-Bush websites were closed before the last election. So far so good on this one, and it is not for sale, neither am I or my country.

It is my sincere wish for world peace. I asked Santa for that, he said, "Don't expect miracles." A friend then said, "What can you expect from a guy who hangs out with elves??"

Question authority!! It is your right, and it is a patriotic duty.
Peace to all. Pray for justice, equality, all that good stuff. Work for freedom and an end to war.

Thanks for visiting this website.
Pages: 1 2 3
Vets question suicide on the eagle for info
Ohio Green Party:
League of Pissed Off Voters
What happened in Ohio 2004??

"You've gotta ask yourself: Are they nuts? Some of them are computer experts. Well, it seems that several of these people suddenly want to retire, and the whole NASED voting systems board is becoming somewhat defunct, but these are the people responsible for today's shoddy voting systems.

If the security of the U.S. electoral system depends on you to certify a voting system, and you get a report that plainly states that security was "not tested" and "not applicable" -- what would you do?

Perhaps we should ask them. Go ahead. Let's hold them accountable for the election we just had. (Please, e-mail us their answers) They don't make it very easy to get their e-mail and fax information; when you find it, let us know and we'll post it here.


Thomas R. Wilkey, Executive Director, New York State Board of Elections;, phone 518 474-8100, fax 518 473-8315

David Elliott, (former) Asst. Director of Elections, Washington State -- (note from Black Box Voting: he has left and we have been unable to find his home number. We are very interested in David Elliott, for a number of reasons. If you can locate his address, e-mail it to us privately.)

James Hendrix, Executive Director, State Election Commission, South Carolina;, phone, 803 734-9060; FAX 803 734-9363

Denise Lamb, Director, State Bureau of Elections, New Mexico; phone (505) 827-3620 FAX (505) 827-8403 FAX (505)

Sandy Steinbach, Director of Elections, Iowa; phone, (515) 281-5823 FAX (515) 281-7142

Donetta Davidson, Secretary of State, Colorado;; phone, 303 894-2680 x301 - Fax 303 894-7732

Connie Schmidt, Commissioner, Johnson County Election Commission, Kansas; Fax: 913.791.1753

(the late) Robert Naegele, President Granite Creek Technology, Pacific Grove, California

Brit Williams, Professor, CSIS Dept, Kennesaw State College, Georgia; 770)423-6422

Paul Craft, Computer Audit Analyst, Florida State Division of Elections Florida

Steve Freeman, Software Consultant, League City, Texas;

Jay W. Nispel, Senior Principal Engineer, Computer Sciences Corporation Annapolis Junction, Maryland

Yvonne Smith (Member Emeritus), Former Assistant to the Executive Director Illinois State Board of Elections, Illinois; phone (312) 814-6468 FAX (312) 814-6485

Penelope Bonsall, Director, Office of Election Administration, Federal Election Commission, Washington, D.C.; "

Committee Secretariat: The Election Center, R. Doug Lewis, Executive Director Houston, Texas, Tele: 281-293-0101 electioncent@pdq.netCell 713 516-2875 - Fax 281-293-0453

Vote for hope. Vote for peace. Vote Green.

We are standing up for the right to vote, and the right for votes to be counted: David Cobb and Michael Badnarik announced their intentions to file a formal demand for a recount of the presidential ballots cast in Ohio. Read more below.

Thank you.


11/11 - David Cobb and Michael Badnarik, the 2004 presidential candidates for the Green and Libertarian parties, today announced their intentions to file a formal demand for a recount of the presidential ballots cast in Ohio.

"Due to widespread reports of irregularities in the Ohio voting process, we are compelled to demand a recount of the Ohio presidential vote. Voting is the heart of the democratic process in which we as a nation put our faith. When people stand in line for hours to exercise their right to vote, they need to know that all votes will be counted fairly and accurately. We must protect the rights of the people of Ohio, as well as all Americans, and stand up for the right to vote and the right for people's votes to be counted. The integrity of the democratic process is at stake," the two candidates said in a joint statement.

The candidates also demanded that Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, a Republican who chaired the Ohio Bush campaign, recuse himself from the recount process.

The Ohio presidential election was marred by numerous press and independent reports of voter intimidation, mis-marked and discarded ballots, problems with electronic voting machines and the targeted disenfranchisement of African American voters. A number of citizens' groups and voting rights organizations are holding hearings this Saturday in Columbus, Ohio to investigate voting irregularities and voter suppression in the Ohio 2004 general election. The hearings will be held from 1-4 p.m. at the New Faith Baptist Church, 955 Oak Street. Voters, poll workers, journalists and voting experts are invited to testify. A second hearing will be held on Monday at a location TBA, from 6-9 p.m.

The Cobb and Badnarik campaigns are in the process of raising the required fee, estimated at $110,000, for filing for a complete recount.
The Cobb and Badnarik campaigns have displayed a level of cooperation and civility rarely found in electoral politics. The campaigns jointly participated in and/or sponsored a series of independent debates. Cobb and Badnarik were also simultaneously arrested in St. Louis protesting their exclusion from the restricted, two-party corporate-sponsored debates.

To see an investigative report by Greg Palast, author of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, which asserts that the Ohio vote was improperly decided, see

Private citizens are raising funds to pay for a recount of Ohio due to
massive irregularities there:

In Columbus, Ohio, an electronic voting system reported that Bush received
4,258 votes while Kerry received 260 votes in a precinct where records

show only 638 voters cast ballots.

In Youngstown, Ohio, numerous voters complained that when they tried to

cast votes for Kerry, the machines instead recorded their votes for Bush.

Fairview Park, Ohio, reported a 123 percent turnout.

Please spread the word - if the Ohio recount reveals fraud and goes for
Kerry (which is quite possible), the Electoral College will have to abide

by the result!

Mark Milano

Investigate Electronic Voting Machines

Now that November 2 has come and gone, some disturbing reports of problems with electronic voting machines have surfaced.

For example:
In Columbus, Ohio, an electronic voting system reported that Bush received 4,258 votes while Kerry received 260 votes in a precinct where records show only 638 voters cast ballots;
In North Carolina, a machine lost more than 4,500 votes due to a mistaken assumption about the memory capacity of a computer;
In Youngstown, Ohio, and South Florida, numerous voters complained that when they tried to cast votes for Kerry, the machines instead recorded their votes for Bush.

All in all, more than 30,000 complaints have been gathered from across the country. In the midst of such turmoil, it's crucial that an independent authoritative investigation be undertaken to sort this all out.

Pass Meaningful Election Reform

While the 2004 election experienced an increased turnout that should be celebrated, the 2004 election was also flawed by far too many obstacles to full participation.

Our national elections are run via a mishmash of local, city and state regulations and agencies, so that voters in one state are subject to different rules than voters elsewhere. While Congress passed the Help America Vote Act as a first step toward election reform, November 2 demonstrated that much more is needed. Congress should make the passage of meaningful election reform the first order of business during the upcoming November special session.

Thank you for working to build a better world.

Jennifer Willis
Campaign 2004

Twelve ways Bush is now stealing the Ohio vote
by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman
October 27, 2004

The Republican "November Surprise" to steal the 2004 election is in full force here in Ohio.  With polls showing a dead heat, the GOP is staging an all-out attack on a fair vote count in the Buckeye State. 

Here are a dozen ways they're doing it: 

* Under an archaic Ohio law, both the Republican and Democratic Parties, or any slate of five candidates, may embed official election challengers inside polling places.  The New York Times reported on Oct. 23 that the Republican Party intends to place thousands of lawyers and other GOP faithfuls inside the polls to challenge voters. Republican insiders confide here that the key goal is to jam lines and frustrate new voters.  The GOP apparently figures many voters in key Democratic precincts won't wait in line more than 15 minutes to vote. This is certain to be a major tactic in Cleveland's Cuyahoga County and other Democratic strongholds.  The GOP is not planning to challenge voters in Republican districts. 

* The Republican party has sent letters challenging thousands of Franklin County students who are registered to vote absentee.  Franklin County is home to Columbus, the state's largest city and its capitol.  Though it is also home to Ohio State University, thousands of local students go to schools outside the county or state.  The GOP apparently does not want their votes counted.  This unprecedented mass challenge has prompted the Franklin County Board of Elections, whose director is a conservative Republican, to reserve the large Veterans Memorial Auditorium downtown to process the challenges this Thursday, as John Kerry comes to town with Bruce Springsteen.  The County has told thousands of students that if they don't appear in Columbus to answer the GOP challenges, they may lose their right to vote. 

*  The Franklin County Board of Elections has called or written an undetermined number of voters who obtained absentee ballots, challenging their addresses.  In at least one case, after a series of angry phone calls, the Board admitted there was nothing wrong with the address in question and re-instated voting rights.  The voter in question was a registered Democrat.  His wife, an independent at the same address, was not challenged.  It is unclear how many others have been wrongly knocked out. 

* Even if they are counted, Franklin County's absentee ballot forms are rigged in ways strikingly reminiscent of those in Florida 2000. On many absentee forms, Kerry is listed third on the list of presidential candidates.  But the actual number you punch for Kerry is "4." If you punch "3" you've just voted for Bush.  Sound familiar? 

* Franklin County's right wing Elections Director is insisting on e-voting machines which have malfunctioned in at least two Congressional elections, and which have no paper trail.  The November issues of Popular Science and Popular Mechanics Magazines ran the following headlines on their covers, respectively: "E-vote emergency: And you thought dimpled chads were bad'" and "Could hackers tilt the election?"  Vigorous protests against the paperless machines have been staged here, but many will be used, rendering a meaningful recount impossible. 

* In four other Ohio counties, the notorious Diebold company, whose CEO Wally O'Dell has pledged to deliver Ohio's votes to Bush, will provide the e-voting machines to count votes without any paper trail while using proprietary "secret" software.  O'Dell lives in the wealthy Columbus suburb of Upper Arlington and is a major Bush donor. 

* Twenty GOP-dominated Ohio counties have given wrong information to former felons about their voter eligibility. In Hamilton County, home of Cincinnati and the Republican Taft family, officials told numerous former felons that a judge had to sign off before they could vote, which is blatantly false. 

* Franklin County, which normally cancels 2-300 registered voters a year for felony convictions, has sent at least 3500 cancellation letters to both current felons and ex-felons whose convictions date back to 1998. The list includes numerous citizens who were charged with felonies but convicted only of misdemeanors.

* Republican Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell has reversed a long-standing Ohio practice and is barring voters from casting provisional ballots within their county if they are registered to vote but there's been a mistake about where they are expected to cast their ballot. In this year's spring primaries, Blackwell allowed voters to cast provisional ballots by county, even if they were in the wrong precinct. But this fall, such voters will have to leave the wrong precinct and find their way to the right one.  Blackwell hopes to succeed Republican Bob Taft as governor, and has labored hard to install e-voting machines with no paper trail, to give the statewide contract to Diebold, and to take a long series of steps apparently designed to help hand Ohio to George W. Bush.  Blackwell is being widely compared to the infamous Katherine Harris, who handed Florida to George W. Bush in 2000 and was rewarded with a safe Congressional seat. 

* The Columbus Dispatch (which has endorsed Bush) and WVKO Radio have both documented phone calls from people impersonating Board of Elections workers and directing registered voters to different and incorrect polling sites. One individual was falsely told not to vote at the polling station across the street from his house, but at a "new" site, four miles away. Under Blackwell's new rules, such a vote would not be counted.  

* In Cincinnati, some 150,000 voters were moved from active to inactive status within the last four years for not voting in the last two federal elections. This is not required under Ohio law, but is an option allowed and exercised by the Republican-dominated Hamilton County Board of Elections.

* Secretary of State Blackwell ruled that any voter registration form on other than 80-pound weight bond paper would not be accepted. This is an old law left over from pre-scanning days. Many voters who had registered on lighter paper, had their registration returned, even though the forms had been officially sanctioned by local election boards.

No Republican has ever won the presidency without carrying Ohio.  This year the GOP seems determined to win it, no matter what they have do to the electoral process.  

Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman are co-authors of GEORGE W. BUSH VERSUS THE SUPERPOWER OF PEACE and IMPRISON GEORGE BUSH, from