Real comments from real people. Names have been withheld to protect the innocent....This is the heartbeat of America.....We the People......
Bushism-One assault after another on the environment, human rights & the future.
Bush is the most irresponsible president our country has seen. We will be the 
ones to pay for tax cuts, environmental deregulation, attack on Iraq, and budget deficits.
I have been working to rid the country of this corrupt administration. I subscribe to the "Anybody But Bush" doctrine and will vote accordingly. Waiting for world peace in my lifetime.
Get him out! Preferably in handcuffs and leg-irons!
Look at the damage three years of Bush has done. We MUST remove this blight from office and restore government that CARES about people of the US and the world!
An unelected President wages war on our Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, and toils to wreck two century's achievement.
It's NEVER too late. In the 30s poor people voted for a rich white guy they never head of we now call FDR. They voted ABH. Anybody but Hoover!!!
kucinich has the best ideas and knows how to pay for them, but the corporate media wont even mention his name.
ask not, what bush can do for you,but what can we do do bush?
George is dangerous! The "W" stands for "war" and we will be in a constant state of war if "W" stays in office. He has to go.
He will stop at nothing
Don't ask what your party can do for you. Ask what you can do for your party. Bush needs to go, support democrat.
I swear I'll throw myself off of the tallest building possible if Shrub wins again 2004...or maybe I'll just throw Shrub off of the building. ABB!
from Ireland here, please send me any information / car stickers, anything to get gwb out of the white house, keep up the good work
We need to do anything and everything to get this fascist out of office. Conservatives, moderates, and liberals should all agree that George W. Bush is a negative force for America and the world.
I am saddened by the moron majority. Let's all make a conscious effort to educate people we know about the atrocities of the Bush regime.
Well said...
The problem is it may already be too late. After Texas, Kentucky and California, the Republican machine may be far too strong.
He's a dumb ass for what he's doing and i am against our taxes going to his personal vendetta
Get that pathological warmongering liar out of office! Our freedom is being eaten away more and more every day due to Bush's insane policies.
George Bush is the worst thing to happen to America in years.....GET HIM OUT OF HERE!
God help us all if we fail!
Please get this monster out of office and fast!! I hope and pray that the majority of Americans in this country have enough sense to do what is right in 2004. I fear what new fresh hell we will be exposed to if Bush is re-elected.
Time to be patriotic and take back our country from the thieves and murderers in the Bush administration.
Get him and his brother out of office before they ruin our country, Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stay out the Bush's!!
We cannot afford 4 more years of the Bush dynasty. This country is going belly-up fast under Bush.
I continue to be amazed at the number of people who don't know, don't care, don't even see what the Republicans, under Bush, are doing! Where are our maverick investigative reporters like Woodward and Bernstein these days? WAKE UP AMERICA!!!
Bush and his cronies must go. I think our nest president should be an elected president.
The future and safety of America depends on the ouster of George W. Bush in 2004.
These people think they should rule by divine right! They will do anything to hold on to power. Show them that American is more than just a place; it's an idea.
what bush is about: enslaving the American people, controlling the worlds oil, globalization, the new world order,
set me free from bush Satan vincennes IN bush send your dope head girls to war you can stick the new world order up your ass the best part of you went down your dad legs
Stop This Insane War Now! Our Soldiers Lives Are Being Needlessly Endangered. Kick The Unelected Heathens Out Now! The Whole Rotten Bunch Of Them -- Cheney, Powell, Rice, Rove, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, et al.
Lick Bush in 2004
ever and wherever possible Texas Republican platform. This is a product of Bush, Rove & DeLay, and would be an extreme turn-off to vast majority of public if only known.
Get out the vote so our country will no longer suffer!!!
I completely agree with you that Bush be ostracized from the office.
Amen-which, of course, means MAKE IT SO!!! I shall do all I can to effect this change.
election DAY ISN'T SOON ENOUGH. George Bush and his inept staff should be in handcuffs for war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Take the all out...Butcher, DeLay, Rummy, Powell, Asscroft.... and hang 'em for treason
Dubya and his cronies are gobbling up the wealth of this country. Also write to your congress people; tell them to ensure that there is no Floridation of the 2004 election process. Vote for the anti-Bush candidate, Dennis Kucinich! Bush out--Dennis in.
Untitled We Stand
We need our souls restored after these harrowing years behind this inept corporate shill and his cronies.
While I support Clark, if he does not win the nomination, I will work hard for whomever wins the nomination to take back my country.
If we don't work at this, getting rid of Ashcroft, Cheney and W, we face a scary and repressive 4 year repeat!
I truly feel that GWB is the worst thing to happen to our country in my lifetime. I pray that we can come together and save the country and possibly the world by getting him out of office.
I truly feel that GWB is the worst thing to happen to our country in my lifetime. I pray that we can come together and save the country and possibly the world by getting him out of office.
Bush is devoid of brains, reason, and character. He's a finger puppet in the white house, put there by a skewered Supreme Court and a cadre of toadying Republican footstools, most of which know that he is MUCH dumber than they are.
United Against Bush says it all!
Absolutely ANY one of the Democratic candidates will be mega-tons better than Bush!
In less than one term in office, George W. Bush has wrecked our economy, our foreign policy and mortgaged the future of our children by exploding the deficit. We can't afford four more days of a Bush Administration let alone four more years!
"There is nothing in the world so frightening as ignorance in action." - Helen Keller
I am a FSU student in Tallahassee. Jeb needs to get booted as well!!! The Bushes stink as leaders!!!
Like Father, like Son, 4 years and your Gone!!
TX Bush...Get him out!!
It is time to end Fascism in America. It will be a tremendous job because it has taken decades for it to infect our democracy, or republic, and it will take far more sacrifices than I have seen ANYONE willing to give.
The World needs Peace, our present Administration,will never comply
throw the deserter-in-chief and his chickenhawk underlings out
"President" George W Bush is the biggest terrorist and mass murderer in the world today. In fighting the fictional war on terror the USA has successfully killed over 9000 civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why is oil more important than this
This President Select is one of the worst that has ever occupied the oval office.The scion of the most pretentious overrated money grubbing family ever to disgrace the Presidency. ANYONE BUT BUSH!!!
We Hate Bush!!!
great job guys. i haven't laughed so hard in a long time. this website is laughable.
I will join any and all organizations whose goal is to remove George W. Bush from the office of President of the United States
I prefer Dennis Kucinich but any of the Democratic candidates are better than Bush.
Our only salvation will come when this bunch is out of the White House
I belong the the ever-growing "anyone but Bush" group!
President Bush has let me down from the very beginning when he stole the election. His policies on the war and our economy concern me greatly.
Did you know that the WorldCom scam torpedoed the police and firemen's disability and pension fund of Ohio? Yes indeedy! And then Dumbya rewarded them with a no-bid contract in Iraq!
.I feel like I'm living in a bad dream.
.I feel like I'm living in a bad dream.
I get very nervous thinking about another 4 years on Bush. I feel that as we get closer to the elections, Bush will pull out every patriotic anthem he can think of. I also feel that Americans have short term memories, and will re-elect Bush.
I WANT MY $87B BACK!!!!!!
If things continue on the present course I will gladly leave the cardboard box which I will probably be calling home, climb aboard my rusty ole bicycle (hopefully I will still have the old bike) and cast my Vote For Ralph Nader.
Down with W!
I hope that Howard Dennis the Democratic Nominee but if not, I'll still stand behind the pledge to boot George W. (El Diablo) out of office.
On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty, to everyone in my country, to help send Bush into an early retirement. Au revoir, Bush!
He is a miserable failure.
We have to help Ben Chandler and Charlie Owen take this state back in 2003, that is the first step for Kentucky defeating Bush in 2004.
This WW2 combat Navy veteran will die happy knowing this lying band of repuglicans, Top Gun included will be defeated come next November.
Junior and his cronies have got to go!
I am not sure this country can survive another four years of George W. Bush. He must not be elected!
The conservative party and their supporters, have started their own battle with the common people of this country. Those of us who are not the privileged few, must stand our ground.
get the redneck jackass out of office now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
November 2004 will not come soon enough. Bush is a great example of how the Republican party takes care of its own ~ and everyone else (not just no child) gets left behind.
This country cannot handle another four years
I anticipate that the world will begin to heal and unite on the very first day Bush is out of office - The world community will be relieved as well as our armed forces.
we must get rid of this man. he should not even be occupying residence in the white house!!!our civil liberties are being taken away from us. let's all work to unseat him and support the eventual democratic nominee.
No more wars. No more tax cuts. Good bye President G.W. Bush.
If Bush & his evil cronies keep the White House another 4 years, I would seriously think about a move to another country.
stop this right wing fruit loop
Bush is an extreme religious bigot! Not everyone is a fundamentalist Christian, or even a theist!
We need to kick the neo-cons out as well the wimpy DLC.
I am not as proud to live in America as I used to be because of Bush.
ES by all means possible. Get rid of RUSH too. I have called our radio stations this morning to boycott HIM like they did the Dixie Chicks.
This administration is RUINING this country!
We're with you all the way!
George W. Bush must GO!
I support Howard Dean, and believe that he has the best chance of beating Bush-- but I will absolutely vote for whoever is the Democratic nominee. Another 4 years of GWB is not an option, if we care about saving our democracy, our country and our planet!!
I am anxious to prevent the GWB and Republican disease from spreading!
battles are lost in the mind before they are lost in battle
WE must VOTE and GET gwbjr out of office...... NOW
Bush is a liar! Bush is out of control! Impeach Bush!
Let's move forward with hope -- not fear. Return the White House to the people. TAKE BACK YOUR COUNTRY!
A big-business pandering, corporate whore is who we have elected. Time to get him out!
I support Howard Dean's candidacy, and firmly believe he will make the best president. In the unlikely event someone else wins the nomination fair and square, I will enthusiastically support him/her.
I am Dean Supporter... and will vote for Dean in the Primaries and Election. I will support the Democratic candidate in this Election.
Anyone but Bush 2004
How much would you pay to see Bush Jr. and Dean in a mud-wrestling match? Now taking bets...
Bring it on! :D
I cannot stand bush and CAN NOT believe he was ever elected in the first place.
I have never in my entire life actually been afraid of my own government until now. I have been disappointed on occasion, angry at times, but never truly frightened. Please get this man out of office before he does any more damage!
Nader did a huge disservice to all the causes he purported to care about. We should never let such a thing happen again.
I'd vote for a waffle iron if it was running against Bush.
I will be happy to be listed as a signer if you can allow a resident of Mexico, where there is no South Dakota or any of the other 50 plus
In addition to being the worst President in the last century, I also firmly believe that George W. Bush represents the greatest threat to freedom in the United States we have seen since Joseph McCarthy.
Bush has ruined our international moral standing and has become the greatest threat to world peace. The error of his way is becoming known by more and more and his initial motives and plans are unraveling before the entire world.
This is the worst presidency of my lifetime. I am sick of lies, distortions, cronyism, corporate favoritism, rape of the environment, etc. etc. etc.
We MUST restore the White House to the Democrats. The world's future is in peril with Bush, et al, at the wheel.
Don't buy into the game, this man is a puppet for industrial interests. His "war on terror" and the "evildoers" rhetoric is more of the same. Just another ugly American bully making the rich richer and the destitute more miserable
I'm fully convinced and highly motivated to participate in the worldwide campaign against the continuation of GEORGE W BUSH who was brought to his position by an illegal election .
We must stand up, vote out the conservative right and repeal the damage done! May this never happen again in my name.
not enough room to say Richmond VA I know hatred is wrong, I will not hate. I know the difference between good & evil, right & wrong. I know God has given me free will, so I WILLINGLY chose GOOD & RIGHT over the other two. BLESS US ALL!
Conservatives and Bush MUST be defeated in '04!
Bush is 1/3 of the TRUE "Axis of Evil": Republican Congress, Republican Supreme Court, & Republican Executive Branch!
I fully understood the statements made within the pledge. However, I believe that in order to defeat Emperor George II and his fascist followers we need to come together with other political parties in a unified show of force...not go at this alone.
Let's drive out the perpetrators of the illegal electoral coup and begin again to build a nation dedicated to fairness, unity, and the well-being of all people. Bush's personal vendetta against Sadaam Hussein and rush to war based on lies and against world opinion has damaged America's image abroad, weakened the United Nations and made America less safe, while running up a record deficit.
Bush is not worth a comment.
So much damage has been done by the egomaniac. He needs to get out of office so 'we the people' who did not elect him in the first place, can start to rebuild this country into what it should be.
Every day we must do all we can to embody the enlightened democratic citizenry we envision for our country.
Take Back America and put the NeoCon Liars on trial for Treason
G.W. Bush is the worst president this country has EVER had!!
BOOT Bush in 2004!
How many more will die before Bush is out of office??????
Webmasters note:
"I am really glad I removed the names of the people expressing the above views or they might all join me in Guatamano Bay.......other anti-Bush websites were closed before the last election. So far so good on this one, and it is not for sale, neither am I or my country.
It is my sincere wish for world peace. I asked Santa for that, he said, "Don't expect miracles." A friend then said, "What can you expect from a guy who hangs out with elves??"
Question authority!! It is your right, and it is a patriotic duty.
Peace to all. Pray for justice, equality, all that good stuff. Work for freedom and an end to war.
Thanks for visiting this website.